Data Overview
Welcome to Flojoy’s Data Blocks page. Here you can find all the blocks related to data generation and visualization.
EXPORT_CSV Export a DataContainer into CSV format.
EXPORT_JSON Export data into JSON format.
PLOTLY_DATASET Retrieve a pandas DataFrame from one of Plotly Express's built-in datasets.
SCIKIT_LEARN_DATASET Retrieve a pandas DataFrame from the scikit-learn sample datasets.
TEXT_DATASET Load one of the 20 newsgroup sample datasets from scikit-learn.
SKIMAGE Load an example image from scikit-image, such as an astronaut, the moon, a horse, etc.
BASIC_OSCILLATOR Generate an oscillator signal (a shorthand combination of the SINE and LINSPACE blocks).
BOOLEAN Takes one argument as input.
CONSTANT Generate a single x-y vector of numeric (floating point) constants.
FEEDBACK Capture and save the results of a specified block over time. This block is almost always used in a LOOP.
LINSPACE Generate a Vector of evenly spaced data between two points.
MATRIX Generates a random matrix with values between 0 and 1.
POPULATE Generate an OrderedPair of random numbers, depending on the distribution selected and the input data.
RAND Generate a random number or Vector of random numbers, depending on the distribution selected.
SCALAR Return a single Scalar value.
SECOND_ORDER_SYSTEM This block has a 2nd order exponential function and is designed to be used in a LOOP with an APPEND block.
SINE Generate a waveform with a given shape (sine, sawtooth, etc).
TEXT Return a String DataContainer with given input text.
TIMESERIES Generate a timeseries with random y values between two dates.
UNIX_TIMESTAMP Return the current UNIX timestamp as a float (Scalar) or array (Vector) with length equal to 1.
VECTOR Creates a vector type data given the elements
VEC_2_LINSPACE Generate a Vector of evenly spaced data between two points with a
WAVEPACKET Approximate the behaviour of a 1D Gaussian wavepacket in an infinite-well potential box.
ARRAY_VIEW The ARRAY_VIEW node takes OrderedPair, DataFrame, Matrix, and Image DataContainer objects as input, and visualizes it in array format.
MATRIX_VIEW Take a Matrix or OrderedPair DataContainer object as input, then visualize it in a Plotly table.
TEXT_VIEW The TEXT_VIEW node creates a text visualization for a given String DataContainer type.
BAR Create a Plotly Bar visualization for a given input DataContainer.
BIG_NUMBER Generate a Plotly figure, displaying a big number with an optional prefix and suffix.
COMPOSITE Create a combination of Plotly visualizations for a given input data container.
HEATMAP Create a Plotly Heatmap visualization for a given input DataContainer.
HISTOGRAM Create a Plotly Histogram visualization for a given input DataContainer.
IMAGE Create a Plotly Image visualization for a given input DataContainer type of image.
LINE Create a Plotly Line visualization for a given input DataContainer.
PROPHET_COMPONENTS The PROPHET_COMPONENTS node plots the components of the prophet model trained in the PROPHET_PREDICT node.
PROPHET_PLOT The PROPHET_PLOT node plots the forecasted trend of the time series data that was passed in.
SCATTER Create a Plotly Scatter visualization for a given input DataContainer.
SCATTER3D Create a Plotly 3D Scatter visualization for a given input DataContainer.
SURFACE3D Create a Plotly 3D Surface visualization for a given input DataContainer.
TABLE Create a Plotly Table visualization for a given input DataContainer.